
Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 is a special year group where children really begin to become more independent learners, taking on more responsibility towards their own learning. Children continue their learning journey and build on their knowledge and key skills from the early years and year 1.
In year 2, your child will 'grow their learning' from a curriculum that is carefully matched to their ability and own interests, through quality teaching, exciting trips and forest school. Children will have lots of other fantastic opportunities and experiences including skipping competitions, learning to play the Ukulele and representing our school in the Primary Engineering Programme Award.
By the time the children leave us in year 2, they will have reached their potential in key stage 1 and will feel well prepared to take a leap into key stage 2 ready for their next steps of success.
We have a voice
To find out more about life in year 2 view the link below...
"Grow Your Learning"
Life in Year 2 Beyond the Curriculum
Meet the Team
Miss McGregor

Class 5 Teacher - Key Stage Lead, Maths Lead, Mental Health Lead, DSL

Mrs Hyde

Class 6 Teacher - Science Lead

Ms Johnson

Class 6 Teacher - SENCO, DSL

Mrs Bodman

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Weighhill-cole

Teaching Assistant

Parents As Partners
Home School Reading Books
Children will be given two reading books each week. It is expected that they will read at home at least four times a week and that an adult signs their Reading Record book. Reading folders are to be brought into school each day to allow teaching staff to hear children read and to change books.
Water Bottles
Children need to bring a fresh water bottle into school each day.
Class 6
Monday (outdoor P.E)
Wednesday (indoor P.E)
Class 5
Monday (outdoor P.E)
Tuesday (indoor P.E)
Children will come into school wearing their full P.E. kit on the days they have P.E. (Grey, navy or black jogging bottoms, black shorts, green Appletree t-shirt, hoodie and trainers.)
Parent Drop in's
Twitter Feed
Our Curriculum
Quality of Education
At the heart of our curriculum is a drive to foster a love of reading, enriching children's learning through carefully designed vocabulary rich, teaching activities that utilise imaginative stories and thought provoking text.
Regular assessments inform the teaching of phonics, comprehension and fluency to ensure all children make good progress.
Our curriculum is both creative and ambitious. It has been carefully designed to give our children the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. 
Long Term Plans
Half Termly Subject Overviews