
Safeguarding information

 At Appletree Gardens, safeguarding our learning community is always our priority. We use our curriculum and our BLOSSOM code to share our focus and ethos with the pupils. All of the staff at Appletree are trained to ensure safeguarding is 'everyone's responsibility' and we can confidently mange safety responsibly. We have a Designated Safeguarding lead which is headteacher, Helen Bruce and four deputy safeguarding leads. These are outlined on our poster below and on posters in and around school. The Designated Safeguarding lead should be contacted in the first instance if you have any safeguarding concerns. If this is not possible please contact a deputy safeguarding lead.
Leaders are trained in safer recruitment to ensure safeguarding remains our top priority when we appoint staff. Safeguarding training is an essential and regular part of staff training and development in order to keep safety in  prominent place as 'everyone's responsibility.'
We follow Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 which can be found here: