

Our trusted eco-warriors have seen the timetable and know when they need to go out to the allotment to water the fruits and veg. This is all in preparation for our plant sale in a few weeks.
June Litter pick!
Eco-warriors and friends joined in a litter pick to clean up our school grounds. They swept around the yard, the field, Forest School and the front of school. Cleaning up so much waste. Who knows how many animals we have saved?
Earth Day 2024!
Our school took part in a walking bus/Metro where over 100 children walked to school with their friends to help reduce pollution and make healthy choices. We met at two different locations and had great fun catching up with friends and families before school. Well  done to all of those that got tickets for the walking bus and walking Metro!
Our parent/carer helpers rolled up their sleeves and helped in the great clear out! Thank you to all of those that gave up their free time. 
In December we ordered enough trees from the Woodlands Trust for every child in school to plant one. With help from parent helpers we cleared enough space in Forest School to allow us to plant over 250 trees. Every child had the opportunity to plant a tree and watch it grow. Due to cold and wet conditions we did not take too many pictures, but the children seemed to love it. We discussed the importance of wildlife in our local area and the children knew they were making new homes for birds, bees, ants, and so many more animals!